Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Hola Familia,

Another good week out here in the México Cuernavaca Mission! Élder Amancio and I have been working really well together and the ward has been supporting us like crazy so hopefully we´ll be able to start seeing some more baptisms soon. 

One of our most promising investigators right now is named Yaír, he just turned 18 years old and his girlfriend is a member of the ward. At first, he seemed a little bit pressured to listen to us by his girlfriend´s family, but recently we´ve been able to meet with him personally and see progress in him and honestly, he´s a really impressive joven. This dude works and studies all the time; Saturday nights, he works the night shifts and gets off Sunday morning just two hours before church! And he still is one of the first to arrive to the capilla! We´ve been helping him to pray and read in the Book of Mormon and we just hope he can be baptized soon, and not only for his girlfriend, but for himself because he would be such a wonderful addition to the Church.

There´s also Maurina who is always golden in the lessons but has yet to come to church in these last two weeks that we´ve met with her. She´s basically a single mother though because her husband ¨´está allá´ AKA working in the US so atleast it´s understandable because it´s hard to get kiddos ready for church early sunday morning.

From what I´ve been hearing about AZ, I think the weathers about the same over here in Iguala, hot hot hot! Hahaha

A couple of videos that I´ve seen recently have been on my mind: One is called the Anonymous Hero, but it´s not by the Church. It´s about this humble man in Thailand that does a bunch of friendly, silent acts of service everyday. The narrator says something to the effect of ´This man will never be famous. You´ll never see him on tv, or in the movies. He´ll never be amazingly rich. But, he does his part to be good and to make the world a better place. Be more like him.´ Kinda reminds me of Man in the Mirror by MJ. Anyway, the other is of The Life of Jesus Christ videos where Jesus gives the parable of the two sons who were asked to work in their father´s field. The first refused, but eventually repented and worked. The second anxiously answered yes, but ended up not doing anything. The first was the one that did the will of his father although at first he didn{t want to. How beautiful is it that if we truly repent, the Lord forgets all the bad that we have done and gives us another chance to serve Him and be mad instruments in His hands. I know that the Atonement of Jesus Christ is real and that it is for all of us. I know that we can turly repent and be made clean of our sins.

No pics unil next week, I need to buy a new memory, sorry! I love you all! Cuídense!!!


Élder Tucker

1 comment:

  1. Good stuff this week Elder! I wish I had this letter Sunday could have shared it in Ward Council.
