Monday, January 21, 2019

January 21, 2019

Hola Familia!

Another good week out here! Transfers are today and I´m staying in San Andres with Elder Laredo!! Only 18 weeks left!

I was thinking about random things to write about that I haven´t mentioned before and a couple things came to mind:

In every city, town, village in Mexico and all of latin america really, there´s a catholic church. As we know, a little over a year ago some earthquakes happened in this part of the country and literally all of the catholic churches have been damaged, some severly. Meanwhile, our church´s chapels are all just fine lol. #catolicos #iglesiagrandeyabominable

Also, the mission has taught me just how much a missionary can effect the life of his own family even though he´s far from it. Particularly here in San Andres, eveyone knows about the local kids that are out serving the Lord right now, Elder Castillo and Elder Peralta. And it´s crazy to see how much they talk and appreciate what they´re doing. Many are inspired to be better more obedient members of the church and others who arent members are more willing to listen to us and learn more about what their brother, cousin, son, or friend is doing. It all makes me remember my family back home and it motivates me to be the missionary they think I am.

Pueblos/Villages in Mexico are all so unique. Every one of them has their own traditions, stories, or beliefs. Just this week, Elder Laredo´s eye was swelling up and hurting and some members told us that it was because how covered up an ant hill and the ants sent some bad energy towards him. So they had their nonmember brother come on over to light a cigarette and blow smoke in Elder Laredo´s eye to make it feel better and put the swelling down and it actually worked!! haha.

The traditions/beliefs in each pueblo in Mexico can cause some contention sometimes though because we´ve also heard of members getting sick and asking for a blessing and when that doesn´t work, they instead go to the local witches or the elves that live  by the rivers for a healing.

Our investigators who are getting baptized on saturday, Leticia and Florentino, have also received a lot of opposition from their catholic family members who don´t want them to join the church. It´s so cool to hear Leticia say ´no me importa lo que ustedes digan, esta es mi vida y mi familia y nosotros nos vamos a bautizar.´ Every active member in San Andres has had to face some type of opposition for being a member of the Church. It´s inspiring really, but also makes me grateful to come from a place where I´m so loved and supported by my friends and family for being a member of the Church.

Anyway, hope you all are well. Love you all so much.

Élder Tucker

heres a pic of me with the pancakes and bacon I made this morning for the zone leaders, elder belknap, elder laredo, and I

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