Monday, January 7, 2019

January 7, 2019

Hola Familia!

Well this new year has just gotten off to a great start, mostly because Elder Laredo is already my best friend and my favorite companion so far in the mission! We've been working so hard and so in synch lately, but we also have a bunch of fun.

The investigators that we've been working the most with lately are a middle-aged couple named Leticia and Florentino. Their sons were baptized a couple months ago, but when I first got here to San Andres, I thought that the parents, Leticia and Florentino, didn't seem very interested. But the hermana that gave us the reference for them told us to be consistent and very direct with them, so this week, Elder Laredo and I visited them together every single day, teaching, reading chapters in the BOM wih them, and leaving assignments to read each night and guess what? They did it! They read every single thing we left for them this week, so we topped it off with a movie night on Saturday (Joseph Smith: The Prophet of the Restoration) and they all went to church on Sunday as a family. Leticia and Florentino´s baptismal date is for the 26th of January and the Lord is makin' it happen!!

There´s also a young adult sister in the ward named Betsabé which is Bethsheba in Spanish.... her family thought the name sounded pretty but forgot about her story in the Bible lol #KingDavid #Adultery. Anyway, she´s been whipping my comp and I into shape in the mornings by training us and giving us workouts to do on a court by her house. But its been a little more exciting way to get up and work out in the morning before studies.

But the last thing I wanted to talk about was how awesome the new Come, Follow Me program is! I've been studying it a little as well and its powerful. It reminds me of how great and revelatory the New Testament is. I encourage you all to study it everyday this year and I promise it will strengthen your families tremendously as well as your own testimony. It will also, like the Prophet says, make our sabbath day more of a delight!

Élder Tucker

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