Monday, February 25, 2019

La párobola de la semilla

Hola familia!

It was another great week out here in Acapulco with Élder Oñate, man it´s nice having an obedient, hardworking companion, it makes it so much less difficult to be punctual and get work done! Something I've learned in the mission is that the area doesn't determine how difficult it´s going to be nearly as much as the companion determines how difficult it´s going to be. It´s taught me the importance of choosing right with the eternal companion hahah.

Anyway, the heat and the hills of Acapulco are good. We´ve been working with various people here in Vista Alegre lately, but the investigator that´s progressing the most for the moment is Jazmin. She´s 25 years-old and she just got made a widow for the second time. But she´s actually a positive, nice person and she´s very interested in our message. So far, we´ve just had the chance to teach her about the restoration and the LDM (BOM), but she´s attended church the last two weeks and hopefully will accept baptism soon! Please pray for her!

I've continued to really enjoy my studies lately, especially in the Book of Mormon. There´s so much doctrine and wisdom that we can learn and apply in those pages. Yesterday, I read Alma 32 and was reminded how sometimes we can get negligent in nurturing our ´faith tree´. Any tree that goes without proper watering, sunshine, and nourishment will not be sufficiently strong to last the winds/storms/disasters of mother nature and neither will our testimony be able to last the attacks of the adversary if we are not doing all the things we should be doing like studying the scriptures, praying, fulfilling our callings/duties, etc.

Hope you all have a good week! Love you.

Élder Tucker

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