Thursday, March 2, 2017

Mis Primeros Bautismos

¡Hola Mi Querida Familia!

What an amazing week to be a missionary in La Gran Misión!

Elder Tilley and I baptized and confirmed converts Roberto and Francisco Hernández Hernández in the Casa de Oración this week!

Francisco and Roberto were contacts of Elder Noh and I that we found on Christmas Eve. We originally walked passed Francsico, 20, cutting grass in front of his house, but I felt a prompting to go back and contact him. I know that it was a prompting from the Spirit because he was super interested and invited us in to talk to him more about the Plan of Salvation. When we sat down on his porch, that´s when we met his older brother, Roberto, 21, who was also super interested and accepted a return visit. They come from a Catholic background but were never very active, and Francisco noticed some differences between the Bible and the Catholic Church which caused him to not believe. In the first lesson, the Spirit was incredibly strong and they both accepted baptismal dates! They both progressed so fast and started attending church right away. After Elder Noh left, Elder Tilley and I taught them all the commandments and got them ready to be baptized. It´s been so amazing to be made an instrument in the hands of the Lord to bring Roberto and Francisco to the Lord´s Church. They are so great.

We´re also teaching their younger sisters, Rosa, 18, and Lorena, 12, who aren`t progressing as fast, but we`re hoping with the examples of their older brothers, they will be baptized and confirmed in the coming weeks as well.

Todo está super bien! I`m happy and motivated to keep working hard, improve, and bring many more of God`s children to His Church en México!

¡Los amo mucho! Tenga una buena semana.

Elder Tucker

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